

Bangkok Bang Na Bangna-Udomsuk-Srinakarin

Proportions 32/24/35
Viewed 23 times todayCreated 2 years ago

⚑️ ⚑️ Gigi, 100% authentic πŸŽ„ Proportion 32-24-35 Age 23 years old πŸ’• A thin and crisp girl with good knees. Good body, cute and playful, white and yellow πŸ’‹πŸ’• skin. πŸ‘™ Height 164 Weight 47πŸ‘™ Fully vaccinated with 3 doses*** πŸ“Œ The rules are as follows. πŸ“Œ βœ… Take a shower. βœ… Lip kissing/tongue exchange βœ… Fresh βœ… Broken on the body βœ… Split page More πŸ’΅ βœ… Crack your mouth πŸ’΅ ❌ No size over 54 ❌ Do not accept Mo/Injection/Pearl ❌ No fresh/buttocks. ❌ No Corruption/Sadism ❌ Do not accept drunk people/talk ignorantly/play drugs. ❌ Do not accept people to use topicals. anesthetic ❌ Do not accept work outside the premises ❗️❗️❗️. ❌ Do not accept phone calls ❗️❗️❗️. πŸ’΅ Rate πŸ’΅ 1,100/30min/1πŸ”₯HotπŸ”₯ 1,300/40min/1πŸ’¦ 1,500/60min/1πŸ’¦ 2,300/90min/2πŸ’¦ πŸ“ Location: Udom Suk 60 / Srinakarin 56 (Romance School) πŸ“ ⏰11.00-03.00⏰ πŸ‘‘ Homework Group speak You can invite them on Telegram. πŸ‘‘

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